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African Millionaire Increase – Sign of Great Things Happening on Continent
Africa is poor, under developed, and dependent on the West. Those sentiments might have a large following, but three recent reports point out that the

Africa’s Agriculture Sector Getting Alot of Attention
Africa’s Agriculture is Strategic Farming has long been the primary source of food and income across Africa. That will not change for decades, if ever.

Ethiopia Investments – Many Profitable Projects on Offer
UPDATE: Ethiopia recognized by the European Council on Tourism and Trade as Top Tourist Destination for 2015 Ethiopia maintains one of the top three fastest
Advice from Africa’s Wealthiest Man
This not merely a suggestion to you. He has been acting on it for decades.

Boko Haram – Nigeria’s PR Counter Offensive
Facebook Twitter Youtube Rss The Nigerian government is deeply concerned about their image in the world. Their number one image concern at the moment is